Category Archives: Radio

WE ARE HERE – radioshow 01.05.17

MAYDAY, FRANCE AND MOBILE CLINIC We are talking in this show about the history of the mayday, the election in france and a mobile clinic. France is in the middle of the elections, what is going on there and who are this two candidates, what do we have to expect from the outcome of the read more »

WE ARE HERE – radioshow 17.04.17

TURKEY REFERENDUM & RUSSIA PROTEST Today we are talking about the referendum which took place in Turkey on Sunday the 16th of April, where people were called to vote for the constitutional change towards a presidential republic. Also Russia is on our focus in several perspectives, we will give you an introduction about the recent read more »

WE ARE HERE – radioshow 03.04.17

STATE OF EUROPEAN BORDERS Today’s show will be about the state of european borders and migrant policies, because of course european institutions are updating them continously. We also will talk about the new 80 cents forced jobs for migrants here in Germany, with an interview. We will then continue talking about the economical aspect of read more »

WE ARE HERE – radioshow 20.03.17

ARE PRISONS NESSECARY? Today we’re going to talk about prisons, in order to visibilise people that are here, but not visible. A lot of different people are beeing locked behind barred windows for variuos reasons : what unites them is mostly a origin from working class or a darker tone of skincolour. What does not read more »

WE ARE HERE – radioshow 06.03.17

Are you aware of the double standards governments put on citizens and non- citizens? Basic principals like freedom and work for fair wages are not applied equally to the people around us. Depending on their legal status people are getting treated very differently. In this show we will get insight in the social struggle and read more »

البرنامج الاذاعي نحن هنا ٢٧/٠٣/٢٠١٧

موضوع الحلقة نقاش وجهات النظر حول مهردان من المشرق الى المغرب الزي قام بتنظيمه مسرح هيلاراو وحوار عام حول معنى الاندماج يمكن الاستماع للبرنامج على هذا الرابط

WE ARE HERE – radioshow 20.02.17 women in political struggle

This show is all about women. We discuss the role of women in freedom-struggles in different parts of the world. Among other things, we interview an activist from Kiev and listen to Dila Dirik, who gives her perspective on the Situation in Rojava. If you are interested in more informations here are some links: Article read more »

WE ARE HERE – radioshow 06.02.17 climate change

Imagine We reduce pollution in our cities and lands- to have clean air to breathe. Imagine we stop destroying our lakes and river systems – so we have pure water to drink. Imagine we stop cutting down our forest and exploiting our natural environment, so we have beautiful lands to settle…. And imagine…doing that…it would read more »

WE ARE HERE – radioshow 23.01.17 – representative democracy?

DOES VOTING MAKE SENSE?? Today we want to continue asking ourselves if…”voting make sense?”. It seems that here and in other places current democracy is dying…even general mainstream media are kind of agreeing with that fact. There is a crisis on the trust in politicians, and generally on the ruling kind and on the ways read more »

WE ARE HERE – Radioshow 26th of December

This show was about racism and violence within the police. We talked about examples in germany and france. Here you can listen to the RadioShow WE ARE HERE is a radioshow being broadcasted every 2 weeks on mondays on Coloradio (99.3 / 98.4) at 9pm. Livestream on We are here, a radiowhow where we read more »